Sita saving for a bigger tailor shop
Sita saving for a bigger tailor shop

Sita Dreams of Owning a Bigger Tailor Shop

Hello my name is Sita B.K. and my group name is Aradhana Savings Group. In my group the total amount saved so far is $1,048.00, and the total amount loaned is $1012.00.

I bought a sewing machine after I borrowed funds from the group, and I have run good small business which is earning good income. Others who have taken loans from the group are operating good micro businesses. My dream is to run a big tailoring shop so that I can be strong financially and also give job opportunities to others.

I am so happy to share that when we gather together as a group, we are like a family. We pray together, worship together, and also share our problems and pray for each other. These activities have really helped me grow spiritually. Also, the teaching is so helpful to me because they help me to be stable financially. Thank you so much for your prayer and love. Amen.