Looking for greater purpose in your workplace?

Give today to make a difference for those struggling in poverty! Your donation of $30 will provide teaching and mentoring for one month for one savings group in East Africa. Choose how many groups you wish to support. We will send you an appreciation poster personalized for the monthly support your business is providing.

The content which will be taught as a result of your generous support includes the following. All treaching is taught from a Biblical perspective.

• How to operate a savings group
• Leadership
• Stewardship of personal finances
• Small business management

Thank you for caring for those in poverty! Thank you for your sponsorship!

donate by check or money order

Option to Donate by Check

Make checks payable to Open Hands. Write “Workplace Campaign ” on the memo line.

Send your check or money order to:

PO Box 180
West Milton, PA 17886

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