My name is Mrs. Chernemoomo, in 7 months I saved 500 baht ($16.13) I want to save money and I want to build a good relationship with my church and create a new way of saving for young people. Our group name is Ma-ojo Savings Group.
What do you plan to do with the money you have saved?
– To build a house in the future.
– Pay the school fee for my children.
Have you ever borrowed money from your group? If yes, how much money did you borrow and what did you buy with it?
– Not yet. Because the group has not allowed the members to take a loan yet.
Since becoming a group member how has your financial situation changed?
– Now I know how to save money and use it worthily.
Since becoming a member of this group how has your relationship changed with;
– God, I offer the tithe to the church and go to church more faithfully.
– Others, I respect other people more and understand other people’s problems.
– Yourself, I could be faithful to myself about spending time with myself and others. I save money and do my responsibilities more faithfully.
– Creation, I have hope in doing the farming and I ask God to lead me to do so.