
Helping Haitians Help Themselves

Often in mission newsletters and the media, Haitians are portrayed as hungry, hurting, and helpless. This perception of the people of a nation has led to multi-generational dependence on outside aid. This has led to despair and a feeling that without outside aid things cannot change. However, nothing could be further from the truth! Haiti […]

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Life As A Savings Group Member

Though I have never been a savings group member, perhaps I will be able to describe what life is like from a member’s perspective in Kenya. Imagine that you would have a low, erratic income and with this income you would struggle to feed, clothe and educate your family. Also throughout your lifetime you would

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Open Hands Transitions to an Independent Organization

Anabaptist Financial’s two-fold mission is to provide faith-based financial services and stewardship teaching. Prior to the formation of Open Hands, Anabaptist Financial exercised its twofold mission solely among conservative Anabaptist people in the United States. Compared to the US, Anabaptists in underdeveloped countries have limited financial services available to them. Anabaptist Financial’s board developed a

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Visit to Choix, Mexico

Today Lyndon Swarey, Merle Burkholder and Darin Hershberger visited the Open Hands savings group program in Choix, Mexico. This program just started in April of this year. The first savings group began saving in June. The name of the savings group is “Christ is the Rock.” Pictured is Darin Hershberger with Rigo. Rigo is the

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